
Feed intake when needed most

Optimal Development

Weaning is commonly the most stressful period that young animals  face during their development. The problem derives mainly from the current intensive practices in the industry where the mothers  are unable to satisfy the nutritional needs of the newborn animals. To improve the feeding behavior, creep feed may be offered to habituate the animals to future feed and improve both their short-term and long-term performance.

TasteMaster is a specialized proprietary formulation of functional ingredients enriched with Glutamate, Arginine and other important amino acids. It is designed to enhance the feed intake of pre-weaned animals and battle key challenges of their development.


  • Excellent source of highly digestible and functional protein and peptides
  • Rich in amino acids especially Glutamate and Arginine
  • Rich in trace elements and growth factors. No saturated fat, cholesterol
  • Contains fiber and essential vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B12
  • Contains MCFA to help a healthy GI development early on
  • Contains flavour related components to improve feed intake


  1. Higher creep feed intake:
    • less animals without feed intake before weaning
    • higher feed intake immediately after weaning
    • less diarrhoea after weaning
  2. Feed adaptation stronger & earlier
  3. Accelerated maturation of the young gut
  4. Reduction of early weaning problems (poor growth, mortality)
  5. Great performance with highly prolific sows (Danbred breed) where inadequate milk availability is a key issue

How Can We Help?

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