Farmers, animal health specialists and feed producers often face trouble analyzing toxins in feed and raw materials. Current analysis and tools only provide partial information, resulting in a misdiagnosis in more than 80% of the cases studied.

That’s why we developed Myco-Marker™ in collaboration with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Ghent University in Belgium. Our innovative biomonitoring solution determines true mycotoxin risk and assesses its impact on animal performance and health. Myco-Marker™ is the first biomonitoring tool that provides true insight into animal exposure.  

It allows the detection and diagnosis of mycotoxin-mediated health and performance issues in both individual animals and populations, helping to identify the causative mycotoxins and implement effective mitigation strategies.

Producers can access real information regarding the toxicological status of their animals in their own farms.

How does Myco-Marker™ work

Worldwide support is provided with our Myco-Marker™ service. The process consists of 3 steps: 

  1. Collecting feed samples that animals are eating. 
  2. Collecting animal blood with FTA-cards, 1 hour after feeding. 
  3. Filling out a diagnostic questionnaire to understand clinical and subclinical problems on the farm.


What happens once the samples are sent to us

Once we receive the samples  

  1. We analyze your feed samples for 16 toxins with our LC-MS/MS analytical tools. 
  2. Next up, we extract the blood from the sent FTA-cards. 39 toxins and their biomarkers are analyzed and quantified with our modified LC-MS/MS. 
  3. We analyze the results and review the received questionnaire.


As a final step, our specialists write a report that contains an analysis of the toxicological status, details each toxin’s consequences and offers biomonitoring solutions to improve sustainability of your production and your animals' health status.

Setting up effective mitigation strategies

After discovering the true mycotoxin exposure within your animals, our experts assist you with effective mitigations strategies. Our Escent® range combats the negative effects of mycotoxin-related stress through multiple modes of action, supporting animals by blocking and detoxifying the impact. 

Need to know more?
Contact Dr. Arnau Vidal, our Mycotoxin expert, by clicking the 'Get in Touch' button.