Coccidiosis and especially its mitigation and prevention is top of mind of every poultry producer in the world. The disease has a major economic impact: the total estimated loss is calculated at a gross €10 billion on an annual basis. In this webinar Innovad is proud to share their own cutting-edge research on an alternative approach to prevent anticoccidial resistance.
Watch the recording of the webinar featuring Dr. Attila Kovacs, Global Intestinal Health Category Manager here. Don’t miss out this chance to learn more about this devastating disease:
- Coccidiosis as the most devastating disease in poultry industry.
- How to identify and correctly measure the impact of coccidiosis on farm level.
- Anticoccidial as support for broiler production.
- Natural support for the existing anticoccidials to restore efficacy.
- Suggestions for a cocci-program containing natural alternatives.