Feed quality is key to animal performance and contributes to the profitability. Both microbiological and chemical processes of the raw materials and the feed lower their nutritional value and contaminate them with hazardous molecules. Microbiological contaminants include moulds, yeasts and bacteria which lead to nutrient spoilage and production of toxic compounds. Chemical contaminants may already be present in raw materials and should be monitored closely (e.g. heavy metals, pesticides) or they may appear due to chemical reactions in the feed such as autoxidation.
Food scandals, the ban of antibiotics and public opinion for safe food, put special focus on prevention of bacterial contamination and maintenance of feed hygiene and quality standards. The whole production chain, from raw material producers to farmers has to be involved in this ‘farm to fork’ process: safe feed is the first step to ensure safe food. Whereas feed hygiene is still the biggest determining factor on the prevalence of certain bacteria in meat, any risk of feed contamination with potentially pathogenic bacteria should be monitored and corrective actions should be taken. Besides Salmonella and E. coli, other feed borne pathogens like Listeria and Campylobacter are of high concern due to their link with antibiotic resistance.
An integral feed hygiene program should include a clear risk identification program: a list of the risks, evaluation of their severity and the likelihood for occurrence, including optimal prevention/corrective measures and monitoring.
The ConSept® product range offers carefully designed preservative concepts that contribute to a better basic feed quality, offer longer shelf life and safeguard nutritional quality and palatability. Selection is based on active components, buffered or non-buffered mixes, liquid or dry application, corrosiveness, etc. Based on know-how and experience, Innovad® can define with the customer the most appropriate product and application.
Organic acids as antimicrobial agents function in two distinct ways:
Unlike antibiotics the antimicrobial activity of organic acids is pH dependent. At low pH, organic acids are mainly in their undissociated form. Consequently, the antimicrobial activity of organic acids is higher at low pH.
The reduction of antimicrobial growth promoters use (AGPs) in animal feed results in a potential increase in incidence of certain diseases in poultry such as necrotic enteritis and avian salmonellosis. Organic acids can provide an antimicrobial alternative to antibiotics. Dr. Alireza Khadem tested the antibacterial activities of ConSept CF60® against C. Perfringens, Salmonella and E. coli isolated from the intestine of chickens.