
Mould inhibitors

Moulds consume valuable nutrients, make feed unpalatable and produce toxins.

Mould spores are present within plant material and environment. Animal feed and raw materials provide the nutrients required for their development. Moisture content is critical for mould development, more specific the available water (Aw-value). The Aw-value expresses the amount of available water for microbial growth and should not exceed 0.6. Even moisture levels of 11-12% can result in an Aw-value higher than 0.6. Climate, harvest and storage conditions (e.g. condensation in silos) will have a significant impact on the Aw-value. Temperature and grain breakage are important factors which will mainly affect the rate of mould  reproduction.

Mould growth will have an important impact on feed quality. Losses on dry matter can go up to 20% (mainly energy and proteins) and mycotoxins, produced by moulds, will be detrimental to animal health and performance. Due to changes in physical properties, problems such as “crust formation” in silos might occur, as well as palatability issues.


Novimold is a complete range of specifically designed mould inhibitors. Selection can be based on level of active ingredients, buffered or non-buffered mixes, liquid or dry, application, corrosiveness, surface tension reduction etc.

Based on know-how and experience, Innovad can investigate with the customer the most appropriate product and application for raw material protection, feed preservation or production process optimization.


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